Ops sry i pasted the wrong layout

<?php echo $this->Html->docType(); ?>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>
echo $this->Html->charset(); 
echo "<title>". $this->fetch("title") ."</title>";
$this->Html->css("generic", null, array("inline" => false));
$this->Html->css("common/form", null, array("inline" => false)); 
$this->Html->css("common/menu", null, array("inline" => false));
echo $this->fetch("css");
<div id='wrapper'>
<div id='top'><?php echo $this->fetch("top"); ?></div>
<div id='menu'><?php echo $this->fetch("menu"); ?></div>
<div id='content'><?php echo $this->fetch("content"); ?></div>

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