Ok, I have 3 models:
Ad, Classification, Location
Ad hasMany Classification,Location
Location belongsTo Ad
Classification belongsTo Ad
I want to be able to search for Ads based on the associated
Classifications and Locations.  I've tried using something like:
 $this->Ad->findAll("Classification.id =
{$this->data['Classification']['id']} AND Location.id =
But this results in: "SQL Error in model Post: 1054: Unknown column
'Classification.id' in 'where clause'"
Using Debug: 3, I found that the problem seems to be that when
searching on a model with hasMany associations, an SQL alias is not
created for the associated modles (ie, Classification as
classifications).  However, changing my where statment to
classifications.id = ... Doesn't seem to help.

If I only wanted to use one of the associated models to limit the
results, I would use
$this->Ad->Classifications->findAll("Classification.id =
{$this->data['Classification']['id']}); which works just fine.   Is
there some other way I should be doing this?  Thanks in advance!

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