Hi All,
 In order to learn cake I created a simple database to model invoices
It has three tables

clients -> hasMany -> invoices -> hasMany -> lineitems

I then used cake bake to create a starting app.

When viewing an Invoice it automatically displays the related
LineItems as expected. Then under that there is a button (link) to add
a new lineitem.

When you click this the add form shows but with a drop down box for
invoice_id. I am trying to change this because I want it to pass the
invoice_id of the currently viewed invoice and pre-fill that field.

I have successfully passed the invoice_id to the
Invoicecontroller::add method through the url query.

The problem is trying to do the following....

Get the form to show the invoice_id passed to the controller method as
a read only - non-drop down and to pass that back to the controller
for the save once the user has entered the data.

The formhelper seems to automagically create a dropdown box for;
                echo $this->Form->input('invoice_id');

even if I don't send the list of invoices from the controller using;
                $invoices = $this->Lineitem->Invoice->find('list');

I can't seem to find any documentation or example of someone pre-
filling certain fields to send to the add.ctp view.

Links to examples or any other help would be much appreciated.


PS. I come from a background of C++ (strictly OO) applications
development so maybe I am just thinking about this in the wrong way?

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