Thank you very much. I had read the documentation and I do not really
understand. But I had not read the example.

It all works correctly.

On 23 feb, 09:53, heohni <> wrote:
> Simple Authentication and Authorization Application Tutorial
> On 22 Feb., 21:23, pablosky <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I used CakePHP 1.3 and now I come to CakePHP 2.0.
> > Do not know how to do a simple authentication system.
> > I have this in AppController:
> > public $components = array('Cookie', 'RequestHandler', 'Session',
> > 'Auth');
> > public function beforeFilter() {
> >     $this->Auth->loginRedirect = array('controller' => 'index',
> > 'action' => 'action_index');
> >     if (isset($this->request->params['prefix']) && 
> > $this->request->params['prefix'] == 'admin') {
> >         $this->layout = 'admin';
> >         $this->set('Auth', $this->Auth->user());
> >     } else {
> >         $this->Auth->allow();
> >     }
> > }
> > If someone knows that I do wrong?
> > thanks

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