Hi Mark!

What do you mean by "passing it on to the view via $this->request-
Can you please give me an example?

On 25 Feb., 01:10, euromark <dereurom...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> yes you should never use those named params without checking for them
> first
> and - I would put the logic in the controller
> passing it on to the view via $this->request->data
> thats a cleaner approach than using the form here for the selected
> value
> On 24 Feb., 20:51, heohni <heidi.anselstet...@consultingteam.de>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am using the ajax pagination and my url looks like this:
> > /search/cat:12/city:67/sleeps:1/price:2
> > I have for each a dropdown input select:
> > $this->Form->input('cat', array('options' => $getCategories,
> > 'selected' => $this->request->params['named']['cat']));
> > But what I want to know, what is best practice, because on first call
> > of the form and their input selects I get the error:
> > Undefined index: cat
> > Which is clear for me, but do I have really to check before is the
> > value is present? Like
> > $selectedCat = 
> > ($this->request->params['named']['cat'])?$this->request->params['named']['c­at']:'';
> > echo $this->Form->input('cat', array('options' => $getCategories,
> > 'selected' => $selectedCat));
> > Is this best practice?

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