I have written a function that joins together two fields, the query
that gets outputted for some reason has the ' instead of the `

The following code:

                $conditions = array('Formula.formulasId' => $id);
                $fields = array(
                        'materials.description', 'formula.formulasId, 
                $instructions = $this->Formula->find('all',
                array('conditions' => $conditions, 'fields' => $fields,
                'alias' => 'formulas', 'joins' => array (
                                'table' => 'materials',
                                'alias' => 'materials',
                                'conditions' => array('formula.materialsId' => 
                                'type' => 'left',
                                'foreignKey' => 'materials.id'

outputs this as a result:

SELECT `materials`.`description`, formulas.formulasId,
formulas.materialsId, formulas.weight FROM `formulas` left JOIN
`materials` ON (`formulas`.`materialsId` = 'materials.file') WHERE
`formulas`.`formulasId` = 2

which nulls out the materials.description field. What I need is
CakePHP to output this:

SELECT `materials`.`description`, formulas.formulasId,
formulas.materialsId, formulas.weight FROM `formulas` AS `formulas`
left JOIN `materials` AS `materials` ON (`formulas`.`materialsId` =
materials.file) WHERE `formulas`.`formulasId` = 2;

Any help is super appreciated.

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