I think you have to do it with jquery.
You can identify the current link on class name 'current'
<?php echo $this->Paginator->numbers(array('separator' => ' | ',
'tag'=>'li')); ?>

On 26 Feb., 04:39, "reynie...@gmail.com" <reynie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi every:
> Because I'm using Bootstrap from Twitter and want to prettify my page ;) I
> need to set a <a href="#">{number}</a> to the active element in Paginator
> Helper. Right now my code looks as follow:
> <ul>
>     <?php
>          echo $this->Paginator->prev('<< ', array('tag' => 'li'), null,
> array('class' => 'prev disabled', 'tag' => 'li'));
>          echo $this->Paginator->numbers(array('separator' => '', 'tag' =>
> 'li', 'class' => 'active', 'first' => __('First page'), 'last' => __('Last
> page')));
>          echo $this->Paginator->next(' >>', array('tag' => 'li'), null,
> array('class' => 'next disabled', 'tag' => 'li'));
>      ?>
>  </ul>
> But I not found a way for wrap the active link in a <a
> href="#">{page_number_active}</a> otherwise the LI is generated in this
> way: <li>{page_number_active}</li>. This only happen with the active link
> the rest of them is wrapped inside a <a> element. Any help on this?
> Cheers and thanks in advance
> Ing. Reynier Pérez Mirahttp://reynierpm.site90.com/

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