it will slow things down and it will store a lot of overhead data (due
to the byte size of those chars compared to integers).
but if speed isnt that big of an issue you are fine.
it gets problematic in the 10000 to 50000 record area
everything from then on you will really feel - especially with some
more joins going on

in one project the boss wanted to use UUIDs everywhere. database size
is more than twice it would be with AIIDs (due to many foreign_id
I personally favor a mix (only there where necessary)
but that has other downsites or limitations. so in the end it is a
matter of personal preference as long as the data stays in a specific

On 29 Feb., 15:53, Ighor Martins <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I was thinking about the use of integer as primary key of the table or use
> a char(36) as UUID in the entire project,
> What I dont like about the integer, is the auto increment number, So I
> decided to use char(36) 'cause cake automatically fill it with an UUID, but
> I dont know if this can slow down the search in DB.
> So, anyone who used this before, please tell me about that.
> Is that right to use this in tables like: Users, Cars, Categories?
> Thanks.

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