Pages isn't probably the right place to put it. 

I would just make it a .ctp file, or create a view class that uses the .php 
extension. So if your pages controller used that view it would dispatch 
something like /pages/SkillsMat to /views/pages/skills_mat.php. If you need 
the .php extension to show, check Router::parseExtensions()

If that's a full program and you have to use it as-is, then consider 
sticking it in Vendors and writing a controller that dispatches 
accordingly, like

// in 1.3
class SkillsController extends AppController [

  function run($file) {
    App::import('Vendor', 'SkillsMat', array('file' => $file.'.php'));


On Thursday, March 8, 2012 7:28:18 AM UTC-8, Daniel wrote:
> Hello, 
> I have a non cake php page (not a ctp file) and I want to link to it 
> as follows: 
> http://localhost/swr/pages/SkillsMat/edit_scores.php#"Joe Blogs" 
> So from in the linking view file, I have the following code: 
> <?php echo $this->Html->link(__('Skills Matrix'), '/pages/SkillsMat/ 
> edit_scores.php#"'.$person['Person']['full_name'].'"'); ?> 
> This gives an error: 
> Missing View 
> Error: The view for PagesController::display() was not found. 
> Error: Confirm you have created the file: C:\wamp\www\swr\View\Pages 
> \SkillsMat\edit_scores.php.ctp 
> There is no controller or view for this php file it is separate from 
> cake.  Is "pages" the right place to put this sort of  file? 
> Thanks.

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