Hi All,

I am having trouble implementing a custom find method in cakephp 2.1.0

My 'use case' is to cache a common pagination request ..using a custom find 

So in my model I define my custom find :-

public $findMethods = array('primeimages' => true);

protected function _findPrimeimages($state, $query, $results = array()) {

switch ($state) {

case 'before':

// Check if cache has results exists. If so return false

// ( cached result can be inserted by afterfind().

return false; // query is not killed !!!!!


case 'after':

// if results empty insert results from cache.~~~~

return $results;




I have problems :-

1) In a normal beforeFind() function I would be able to kill the find by 
returning false... this does not work for custom find type.

2) the beforeFind() and afterFind() funcitons are no longer called..

Am I correct in concluding I can not longer kill the actual find while 
using custom find types..

this seems limiting..


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