@aSh!Q's :: You can combine options of both FormHelper::submit(), 
JsBaseEngine::request(), and JsBaseEngine::request() when using 
Js->submit() which in turn ends up being many more options than the 
documentations for Js->submit() currently gives examples for. I believe if 
you were to leave the options array empty or at the very least the 'url' 
option, then yes, Js->submit() would probably default to the current 
'controller' => 'action'. 

@David Cole :: Yes, in fact I did consider using JQuery .submit(); Cake's 
helpers are extremely useful and eliminate the need for lots of excess and 
most times unnecessary code (but you already knew that :p ). Setting 'Js' 
=> array('JQuery') in your $helpers array will utilize the JQuery Engine 
when using Cake's Js Helper (I believe it defaults to JQuery of no engine 
is declared). Soooo,  Cake's Js->submit() is pretty much exactly the same 
as JQuery's .submit() the only difference being one requires much more 
coding than the other :)

<?=$this->Js->submit('Go', array('url' => array('action' => 
'admin_getWeeks'), 'update' => '#weekList'));?> 

Would essentially translate to:
$("#submit-621700652").bind("click", function (event) 
dataType:"html", success:function (data, textStatus) 
{$("#weekList").html(data);}, type:"post", 
url:"\/acclaim\/admin\/shopHours\/getWeeks"});return false;});

Just sayin' ;)

Anyhow, adding 'buffer' => false to the options array took care of the 

Thanks for the help. 

- ED 

On Sunday, March 18, 2012 9:57:38 AM UTC-4, David Cole wrote:
> Have you considered going with JQuery and using the .submit() ?
> http://api.jquery.com/submit/
> On Saturday, March 17, 2012 3:30:08 AM UTC-5, CrotchFrog wrote:
>> I recently switched computers and for whatever reason I decided to go 
>> with WampServer on this machine instead of XAMPP which I have been using up 
>> until now. 
>> I have a JS request that seems to have stopped working once I switched. 
>> [code]
>> <?=$this->Form->create(false);?>
>> <div class="shopHourDate">
>>  <?php
>> echo $this->Form->input('date', array(
>> 'label' => false,
>>  'type' => 'date',
>> 'dateFormat' => 'MY',
>>  'minYear' => date('Y'),
>> 'maxYear' => date('Y') + 1,
>>  ));
>> ?>
>> </div>
>>  <div id="go-button">
>> <?=$this->Js->submit('Go', array('url' => array('action' => 
>> 'admin_getWeeks'), 'update' => '#weekList'));?>
>>  <?=$this->Form->end();?>
>> </div>
>> [/code]
>> I'm (relatively) sure that it worked just fine as written above however, 
>> now when submitting the form instead of making the request and updating the 
>> element #weekList the form submits to 'ShopHours/admin_add'.
>> I'm sure it's purely coincidence that this occurred at the same time I 
>> switched servers but I'm unable to see what I'm overlooking here. 
>> Thanks in advance, 
>> ED 

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