i also came across same problem.... i arranged the code such that after
initialising session.. read the variables in session....and not put other
codesbetween this.. if u do it.. u can get the result..

On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 12:19 AM, Miles J <mileswjohn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On a side note, you are including tons of models.
> You don't need to include every model if specific models have associated
> models you can utilize. You should also load models on a per action basis
> using loadModel().
> On Sunday, March 18, 2012 5:37:02 PM UTC-7, Felipe Roman wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Has someone ever seen only one controller does not access the cake
>> session ?
>> The session works fine for all controllers except for one specific
>> controller. I tried debug the problem but I didn't find the reason.
>> The controller code:
>> class ExecutivosController extends AppController {
>>         var $name = 'Executivos';
>>         var $uses = array('Executivo', 'FormacaoAcademica',
>> 'FormacaoComplementar', 'Executivo', 'Empresa', 'Unidade', 'Cargo',
>> 'ExecutivoCargo', 'AtuacaoProfissional', 'ExecutivoIdioma', 'Decisao',
>> 'Mobilidade', 'PotencialProntidao', 'Arquivo', 'Usuario');
>>         var $components = array('RequestHandler', 'Email');
>>         function index() {
>>                 // Get login information
>>                 $Login = $this->Session->read('Login');
>>                 debug($_SESSION);
>>                 debug($Login);
>> and the others controllers are similar:
>> <?php
>> class CargosController extends AppController {
>>         var $name = 'Cargos';
>>         var $uses = array('Cargo', 'Empresa', 'Unidade', 'Executivo',
>> 'RespostaColaboradore');
>>         var $components = array('RequestHandler', 'Email');
>>         function index() {
>>             // Le informações de login
>>             $Login = $this->Session->read('Login');
>>             debug($_SESSION);
>>             debug($Login);
>> When I access the Cargos controller all session information are
>> printed by debug funcion as expected, when I try access the first one
>> the Session and $_SESSION is empty. If I reload the second one again
>> the session values are still there (it means the session isn't
>> erased).
>> The app_controller.php file:
>> class AppController extends Controller {
>>     var $helpers = array('Html', 'Javascript', 'Session', 'Ajax',
>> 'Time', 'Form');
>>     function  beforeFilter() {
>>         //debug($this);
>>         if (($this->name != "Usuarios") or ($this->action != 'login')){
>>             if($this->Session->read('**Login')) {
>>             } else {
>>                 $this->Session->setFlash(__('**Efetue o login para
>> acessar o sistema', true));
>>                 $this->redirect(array('**controller' => 'usuarios',
>> 'action' => 'login'));
>>             }
>>         }
>>     }
>> Has someone have any ideas why the Executivos controller can't access
>> the session ?
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Best Regards,
>> Felipe Roman
>> Phone 55 51 8454 8110
>> LinkedIn 
>> http://au.linkedin.com/in/**feliperoman<http://au.linkedin.com/in/feliperoman>
>>  --
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Axtec Softwares

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