Are these PDFs being created in the CLI/cron? If not, they should be.

On Tuesday, April 3, 2012 12:54:27 AM UTC-7, Sandy wrote:
> HI There, 
> I'm facing a big problem with cakephp 1.2 
> first one is that cakephp is creating connection with mysql using 
> mysql_pconnect, but in database.php I've set "persistent" to false. 
> For this I've changed core files and change mysql_pconnect to 
> mysql_connect. I know it is not a good idea. could any body suggest me 
> a better one, as mysql is not changing the connection type from 
> database.php 
> second one, I'm creating pdf and excel reports using html2pdf library, 
> while creating small reports it works fine, But when a report with 
> large data is provided it takes about 40+ minutes to created the 
> report in this case my report get created but after creating the 
> report, I need to send a email alert to users about the report, for 
> which I've to pick some data from database and at this time I get an 
> error 
> "Mysql gone away 2006" 
> I've increase 
> mysql_wait_timeout 
> max_allowed_packet 
> but not succeeded. 
> Could any one suggest me what to do to figure out this problem. 
> Thanks in advance

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