On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 09:53, Michael Gaiser <mjgai...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So, I have a login link in the corner of my homepage which I want people to
> click on to login... pretty simple. Problem is that I cannot seem to view my
> homepage as I am automatically redirected to the login page. This causes
> issues when you login since the login returns you to the initial page (the
> home page) which then transfers you back to the login etc. Inf loop time. So
> I cannot seem to figure out why it is automatically redirecting my homepage
> to the login page. Thanks.
> app_controller:
>     function beforeFilter() {
>         $cookie = null;
>         //debug($this->Auth);
>         // Change the default field names for the username and password
>         $this->Auth->fields = array('username' => 'username', 'password' =>
> 'passwd');
>         //Set application wide actions which do not require authentication
>         //$this->Auth->allow(array('*'));
>         $this->Auth->allow('/', 'login', 'logout', 'confirm');

You should move $this->Auth->allow into the specific controller for
that action, I think.
For example, in the users controller for the login and logout actions.
So that means that wherever you have set your / route in routes.php
should have its own Auth->allow line to allow the action.

Does that make sense or have I confused it?

Don't forget to call parent::beforeFilter(); in the beforeFilter
function in your controller so that the appController one still gets


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