I just found this:
Router::connect('/search/*', array('controller' => 'objekts', 'action' => 
'search', Router::queryString($this->params['url'])));

this returns me this error:  

*Notice* (8) <javascript:void(0);>: Undefined property: Dispatcher::$params 
[*APP\Config\routes.php*, line *48*]

But it will create me this array.

        'plugin' => null,
        'controller' => 'objects',
        'action' => 'search',
        'named' => array(
                'cat' => '1',
                'city' => '57',
                'sleeps' => '2',
                'price' => '1'
        'pass' => array(
                (int) 0 => null,
                (int) 1 => 'txt1',
                (int) 2 => 'txt2',
                (int) 3 => 'sl'

I just need to understand why the error appears, then I am done :-)

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