On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 1:24 PM, etipaced <kevindecap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I know there have been discussions surrounding the issue of suhosin with
> Cake's Security::cipher() method. I am in the process of discontinuing usage
> of Cake's ciphering functionality due to this issue. However, I do have
> existing data that has been ciphered already. My problem is that the data
> has been exported (via mysqldump) and then imported back into the same
> database (on the exact same server). What I didn't notice until after the
> fact, is that the ciphered data now looks different than it originally did.
> As a result, it's essentially corrupted. Is there anything I can do as I no
> longer have the originally created ciphered data, but only mysqldumps of it.

I suspect it's just a character encoding issue. If your DB is UTF-8
open the dump file and add at the top:


Then re-import and see if that helps.

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