Yes, as defined in the transferTo function in your model. Here's a sample 
one that sticks it under a user directory and uses a UUID as the filename 
so there aren't conflicts (so something like 

function transferTo($via, $from) {

$irregular = array(
'image' => 'img',
'text' => 'txt'
$name = Mime_Type::guessName($mimeType ? $mimeType : $file);
if (empty($extension)) {
$extension = Mime_Type::guessExtension($mimeType ? $mimeType : $file);

if (isset($irregular[$name])) {
$short = $irregular[$name];
} else {
$short = substr($name, 0, 3);

$path  = $short . DS;
$path .= 'user' . DS; // make this as dynamic as you want
$path .= String::uuid(); // uses a uuid as the doc name instead
$path .= !empty($extension) ? '.' . strtolower($extension) : null;

return $path;

This is defined on the model that $actsAs Media.Transfer.

On Thursday, April 19, 2012 8:49:00 AM UTC-7, James Dcunha wrote:
> Hello all,
> With cake media plugin can we configure the plugin to create dynamic 
> subdirectories dynamically inside the transfer folder without changing the 
> plugin core code.
> Example with default settings I can transfer document files to 
> WWW_ROOT/media/transfer/doc/test.doc
> Could we configure it to transfer document files 
> to WWW_ROOT/media/transfer/doc/*{subdirectory}*/test.doc
> Regards
> James

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