I will add, that POST and GET works fine... data is passed back and forth
as expected and cakephp's "magic" takes care of saving of data perfectly

On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 6:24 PM, Greg Skerman <gsker...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Building a simple tool which uses a cakephp rest service. The client
> application is the webpage generated by the application, and it reacts to
> user input such as dragging and dropping things around.
> I've extended the jquery ajax helper methods to include methods for PUT
> and DELETE, and these are triggering just fine.
> The problem is I am unable to get the data back to cakephp to do anything
> with it.
> heres the javascript which triggers everything off:
>             $('div.content-block').droppable({
>                drop: function(event, ui)
>                {
>                   $(this).children('ul').append(ui.draggable);
>                   // perform the PUT on the db...
>                   var pilotID = ui.draggable.attr('id').split('-')[1]
>                   var squadID = $(this).attr('id').split('-')[1];
>                   $.put('pilots/'+pilotID+'.json',
>                   {
>                      "squad_id" : squadID
>                   }, function() {
>                      alert('success');
>                   }).error(function(){
>                      alert('error');
>                   }, 'json');
> as you can see, it is performing a PUT request on the pilots controller
> which is setup up with default resource map, parse extensions and request
> handler. Dragging and dropping a pilot from one squad to another correctly
> triggers a HTTP PUT request, however inspecting $this->request->data and
> $this->request->input('json_decode') both return empty arrays.
> I'd appreciate assistance from anyone who has successfully gotten jquery
> to interact with a cakephp rest api.
> Cheers :)

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