On Friday, 18 May 2012 11:56:24 UTC+2, Richard@Home wrote:
> CakePHP 2:
> Not noticed this behaviour before, is it by design? (Seems odd if it is...)
>   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
>   `username` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
>   `password` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
>   `is_active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
>   PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
>   UNIQUE KEY `username` (`username`),
>   KEY `is_active` (`is_active`)
> (Notice in particular the NOT NULL flags on username & password:

Mysql doesn't enforce that - i.e. it won't error out if you try to insert a 
row without passing those values (just to clarify).

> class User extends AppModel {
>     public function activate($id) {
>         $this->User->id = $id;
>         $this->User->saveField('is_active', 1);
>     }
> }

There's no validation in the above model - so cake isn't going to enforce 
the equivalent of NOT NULL either.

> With an empty table:
> $this->User->activate(1);
> Creates a new user with an id of 1, an empty string for username and 
> password, and is_active = 1;
> I expected this to fail as User.id 1 doesn't exist.
> $this->User->activate(99);
> Creates a new user with an id of 2, an empty string for username and 
> password, and is_active = 1;
> I expected this to fail as User.id 99 doesn't exist.

Doesn't matter - you are calling save which will insert a row if it doesn't 
exist. The model doesn't implement any "if it doesn't exist - it's an 
error" logic.

> Even if I disregard that user 99 doesn't exist, I'd expect the new record 
> to be created with an id of 99 (not 2)

I wouldn't expect that either, but you're calling saveField - not 
(directly) save, since it doesn't exist it seems reasonable to not force 
the id - since the table definition is autoincrement.


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