I have update the blog post. Check the latest code at Bitbucket. Also the 
stored procedure works fine too in CakePHP 2.1.2

On Monday, 21 May 2012 20:46:46 UTC+8, rahajiyev wrote:
> OMG, I just succeeded in getting paginator to work properly, with 
> sorting and all that! Apart from what was said in the tutorial above, 
> I also needed to tweak function describe() in Oracle.php. 
> The line where it says 
> all_tab_columns WHERE table_name = \''; 
> Changed 
> $sql .= strtoupper($this->fullTableName($model)) . '\''; 
> to 
> $sql .= strtoupper($model->useTable) . '\''; 
> Because WHERE table_name=prefix.my_table_name returns 0 results as 
> compared to my_table_name with no prefix part. 
> So far so good. If only I could get simple updates to work, life would 
> be beautiful :) Haven't tried that yet.

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