On 19/06/12 09:49, Jeremy Burns wrote:
I'm just breaking my way into CakePHP 2. I'm trying to attach the SluggableBehavior from the CakeDC Utils Plugin to a model and am really struggling to find any decent resource that outlines the steps to do this. The official documentation on the usage of plugins, and specifically the usage of the CakeDC Utils Plugin is very thin and is therefore of very little use.

I've tried putting both of the following at the top of my model:

App::uses('SluggableBehavior', 'Utils.Behavior');
App::uses('SluggableBehavior', 'Utils/Behavior');

and I've set my $actsAs as follows:

var $actsAs = array('Utils.Sluggable');

but no joy. I'm on Cake 2.1.3 and my table already has both "name" and "slug" fields in place.

What am I doing wrong?
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Do you need the App::uses() call ?

If you've loaded the Utils plugin in bootstrap.php, I think the $actsAs = array('Utils.Sluggable'); should know where to look as you are using the plugin syntax.

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