Yep, doesn't seem to work as it returns all the posts.

On Monday, June 25, 2012 3:21:15 PM UTC+10, Борислав Събев wrote:
> Have you tried configuring the paginator in your Controller with a limit 
> of 10:
> public $paginate = array(
>         'limit' => 10,
>         'order' => array(
>             'Post.title' => 'asc'
>         )
>     );
> On Monday, 25 June 2012 04:14:32 UTC+3, 42startups wrote:
>> Ah ok, so how would I paginate and limit results to 10?...
>> $this->loadModel('Tag', $id);
>> $tag = $this->Tag->read();
>> On Monday, June 25, 2012 6:11:55 AM UTC+10, JonStark wrote:
>>> I find it easier to use LoadModel to display and sort posts from HABTM...
>>> Le dimanche 24 juin 2012 10:40:04 UTC+2, 42startups a écrit :
>>>> Wow, CakePHP really hasn't got this problem sorted.
>>>> After hours of searching I came across the solution below (which may or 
>>>> may not be outdated), but I'm having issues applying paginatior 'limit' => 
>>>> 10 or other ordering.
>>>> Any ideas what I'm missing?
>>>> My model:
>>>> public $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
>>>>     'Post' => array(
>>>>         'className'              => 'Post',
>>>>         'joinTable'              => 'tags_posts',
>>>>         'foreignKey'             => 'tag_id',
>>>>         'associationForeignKey'  => 'post_id',  
>>>>         'order'                  => array('Post.created DESC'),
>>>>         'unique'                 => true
>>>>     )
>>>> );
>>>> In my controller in view()
>>>> public function view($id) {
>>>>     $this->Tag->bindModel(array('hasOne' => array('TagsPost')), false);    
>>>>     $this->set('tag', $this->paginate('Tag', array('TagsPost.tag_id' => 
>>>> $id))); 
>>>> }
>>>> In my view I then had to change:
>>>> foreach ($tag['Post'] as $post)
>>>> to
>>>> foreach ($tag[0]['Post'] as $post)

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