
If you're reading this then hopefully you are from the North East of 
England and a CakePHP developer (at any level).  If so, I would love to 
chat with you online/offline about potential collaboration on CakePHP 

I am a freelance web developer and want to expand my business, but in order 
to do that I need to spend more time marketing, selling and project 
managing then I am developing, so I'm looking for someone to be able to 
take the development role on for me in some capacity.

Even if you are just learning CakePHP, it would be worth us having a chat 
as there's no better way to learn than on a real project with someone who 
has already gone through (most of) the learning curve. 

If you are not in the North East, but think we could still work something 
out, then by all means get in touch.

Regards, Paul.

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