i forgot to say that the generated file in method B doesn't have the 
starting CRLF

Il giorno giovedì 19 luglio 2012 17:10:08 UTC+2, Ernesto ha scritto:
> Hi all
> i have an action wich generates a CSV list that the user can download.
> This CSV gets corrupted by a CRLF placed at the beginning of the file.
> i tried these 2 ways:
> *A - using CakeResponse and passing the fileContent directly, without 
> creating any file*
> $this->autoRender = false;
> $this->response->type("application/csv");
> $this->response->download("list.csv");
> $this->response->body($fileContent);
> *B - writing a file on server's hdd and then download it using MediaView*
> App::uses("File", "Utility");
> $file = new File ($filePath . $fileName, true);
> $file->write($listaTaglio);
> $file->close();
> $this->viewClass = "Media";
> $this->set(array(
> "id"        => $fileName,
> "download"  => true,
> "path"      => $filePath
> ));
> *
> *
> In both cases i get the same issue.
> My server runs on W7Pro, PHP 5.3.13, Apache 2.2.22
> Any clue?

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