Hi Kevin

You can do like this

$this->paginate = array('limit' => 10, 
$topics= $this->paginate('Topic');

On Saturday, 28 July 2012 01:16:01 UTC+5:30, Kevin Mitchell wrote:
> PS: I guess I should start by learning how to do this with find() rather 
> than paginate().
> I have working ...
> public function index() {
> $this->Topic->recursive = 0;
> $conditions = array("Topic.type = 'Bk'");
> debugger::dump($this->Topic->find('all', array('conditions' => 
> $conditions))); die;
> }
> So, my question becomes: how do I pass a value the value 'Bk' to 
> $conditions?
> ... and, how would this be different using paginate() instead of find().
> Thank you!
> Kevin

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