Gah - I'm a numpty. Kept putting the foreignKey as the column on the table 
I'm joining to.

As for books/authors - I took the simple approach and gave each book one 
author. If a book is written by John Smith and Bob Jones, then there is a 
row in the author table "John Smith & Bob Jones". Makes the design easier, 
but it does mean if I want to find all the books by Bob Jones then I need 
to search for "%Bob Jones%'. But I may change that design anyway, but at 
least I can now do all the other foreignKey look ups.



On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 12:10:17 AM UTC+1, Daniel Baird wrote:
> where belongsTo is documented, you should look over that.
> But -- even though I hate to be that jerk who points out problems other 
> than the one you asked about -- before you get too far, the data model you 
> describe only lets a book have a single author.  If you're storing actual 
> real-world books in there, you probably want to support books having 
> multiple authors, which means a HABTM "hasAndBelongsToMany" association. 
>  For that you need a third table authors_books, etc as described in the 
> cookbook.
> Good luck
> ;Daniel
> -- 
> Daniel Baird
> I've tried going to the XHTML <bar /> a few times, but it's always closed.

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