Hey Paul,

File uploads can be tricky sometimes.

Have you gone through the information found in the PHP manual?


Some good pointers in there.

In a nutshell, a file input field is going to be interpreted by PHP as
an array. It is full of data about the file the user has uploaded. Do
a debug() (or good old print_r()) on the $this->data array or even
better on the field that uploads the file.

You won't be able to get Cake to insert that information straight in
to the database, you're going to have to run some code to process it
first and then update your $this->data array prior to saving.

What I tend to do is have my file upload as a seperate input field not
attached to the data array. i.e.

<input name="my_file_upload" type="file" />

Then in my controller I look to see whether a file has been uploaded
successfully using:


SEE: http://manual.cakephp.org/chapter/controllers

What I would be looking for in this instance would be


Then I run my file upload processes i.e. move_uploaded_file() and all
that jazz. If this goes successfully then I update the file_location
field of my model.

$this->data['MyFileModel']['file-location'] =

and then I can save my model.

As I said do a debug on :


and you'll know more about what is going on.

I've got a file_handler component that I wrote that I will put in to the pastes:


Your best reference for this stuff is the PHP manual - absolute gold!


On 05/12/06, Websta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok so i am having some major issues getting file uploads going on my
> cake app.
> Firstly what seems to happen is as soon as i add
> 'enctype="multipart/form-data"' to mthe form in my view,
> my call to $this->Model->save($this->data) in the controller spits the
> dummy as the file field is now an array of the related file info
> (tmp_name,name,size etc) and cake spits this at me:
> Notice: Array to string conversion in
> /var/users/visionnz/cake/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php on
> line 502
> And the sql insert also fails as the file value is now Array as opposed
> to 'filename', so corrupting the sql.
> If anyone has any pointers how the hell i get my data to save and also
> if anyone could suggest a good source for a file upload component - i
> have tried a couple neither of wich i got to test properly due to this
> other problem.
> Any feedback is much appreciated, i have spent many hours pulling my
> hair out and scouring the net to no avail for a solution to my
> problem!!
> Cheers.
> Paul.
> >

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