That's too bad, I was enjoying you replying to yourself as you gradually 
worked through the problem. :)

Remember, in Cake 2 the file names need to match the class names. So if 
your helper is "HelperfnsHelper", your file needs to be 
"HelperfnsHelper.php", not "Helperfns.php".

- Jamie

On Sunday, August 26, 2012 4:28:18 PM UTC-7, Daniel wrote:
> OK, when following the migration guide I had forgot to add the AppHelper.php 
> file.
> Now I get a different error:
> Helper class HelperfnsHelper could not be found.
> *Error: * An Internal Error Has Occurred.
> Stack Trace
>    - *CORE\Cake\View\View.php line 861*<http://localhost/easypeasydating/#>→ 
>    *HelperCollection->load(string, 
> array)*<http://localhost/easypeasydating/#> 
>            $helpers = HelperCollection::normalizeObjectArray($this->helpers); 
>        foreach ($helpers as $name => $properties) {            list($plugin, 
> $class) = pluginSplit($properties['class']);            $this->{$class} = 
> $this->Helpers->load($properties['class'], $properties['settings']);        }
>    'Helperfns'
>    array()
>    - *CORE\Cake\View\View.php line 468*<http://localhost/easypeasydating/#>→ 
>    *View->loadHelpers()* <http://localhost/easypeasydating/#> 
>                return true;        }        if (!$this->_helpersLoaded) {     
>        $this->loadHelpers();        }
>    - *CORE\Cake\Controller\Controller.php line 
> 957*<http://localhost/easypeasydating/#>→ 
>    *View->render(null, null)* <http://localhost/easypeasydating/#> 
>            $this->autoRender = false;        $this->View = $View;        
> $this->response->body($View->render($view, $layout));        return 
> $this->response;
>    null
>    null
>    - *CORE\Cake\Routing\Dispatcher.php line 
> 193*<http://localhost/easypeasydating/#>→ 
>    *Controller->render()* <http://localhost/easypeasydating/#> 
>            }        if ($render && $controller->autoRender) {            
> $response = $controller->render();        } elseif ($response->body() === 
> null) {
>    - *CORE\Cake\Routing\Dispatcher.php line 
> 161*<http://localhost/easypeasydating/#>→ 
>    *Dispatcher->_invoke(CategoriesController, CakeRequest, 
> CakeResponse)*<http://localhost/easypeasydating/#> 
>                ));        }        $response = $this->_invoke($controller, 
> $request, $response);        if (isset($request->params['return'])) {
>    object(CategoriesController) {
>       components => array(
>               [maximum depth reached]
>       )
>       helpers => array(
>               [maximum depth reached]
>       )
>       name => 'Categories'
>       uses => array(
>               [maximum depth reached]
>       )
>       request => object(CakeRequest) {}
>       response => object(CakeResponse) {}
>       viewPath => 'Categories'
>       layoutPath => null
>       viewVars => array(
>               [maximum depth reached]
>       )
>       view => 'view'
>       layout => 'default'
>       autoRender => false
>       autoLayout => true
>       Components => object(ComponentCollection) {}
>       viewClass => 'View'
>       View => object(View) {}
>       ext => '.ctp'
>       plugin => null
>       cacheAction => false
>       passedArgs => array(
>               [maximum depth reached]
>       )
>       scaffold => false
>       methods => array(
>               [maximum depth reached]
>       )
>       modelClass => 'Category'
>       modelKey => 'category'
>       validationErrors => null
>       Session => object(SessionComponent) {}
>       Auth => object(AuthComponent) {}
>       Utils => object(UtilsComponent) {}
>       Category => object(Category) {}
>       Inemail => object(Inemail) {}
>    }
>    object(CakeRequest) {
>       params => array(
>               [maximum depth reached]
>       )
>       data => array([maximum depth reached])
>       query => array([maximum depth reached])
>       url => false
>       base => '/easypeasydating'
>       webroot => '/easypeasydating/'
>       here => '/easypeasydating/'
>    }
>    object(CakeResponse) {
>    }
>    - *APP\webroot\index.php line 98* <http://localhost/easypeasydating/#>→ 
>    *Dispatcher->dispatch(CakeRequest, 
> CakeResponse)*<http://localhost/easypeasydating/#>
> Helperfns.php is my file and it is in the View/Helper directory.

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