Are you running the find() on the User or Attendance model? It looks
to me like it's the former.

Anyway, you could tighten this up a little by putting some code in the
model, and by adding a helper function to bootstrap.php:

function dateStr($a)
        if (!empty($a['year']) && !empty($a['month']) && !empty($a['day']))
                return "${a['year']}-${a['month']}-${a['day']}";
        return null;

Also, you can put the school_id in the forma as well, instead of
passing it through the session.

public function admin_attendance_by_date_range()
        $data = $this->User->attendanceByDateRange(

User model:

public function attendanceByDateRange($school_id, $from, $to)
        return $this->Attendance->find(
                        'conditions' => array(
                                'Attendance.created BETWEEN ? AND ?' => 
array($from, $to),
                                'Attendance.school_id' => $school_id
                        'contain' => array(
                                'User' => array(
                                        'fields' => array(
                                                // other User fields you want

On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 2:16 AM, rockbust <> wrote:
> If anyone can point me in the right direction.. It will be much appreciated
> I am trying to return a list of User where Attendance.created is between a
> date specified in my form.
> Further Attendance.created needs to be equal or greater than
> attendance_count input from the form.
> Attendance belongsTo User
> I have tried this but get sql error Unknown column 'Attendance.created'
>         function admin_attendance_by_date_range() {
>                 $this->Attendance->recursive = 0;
>                 $session_school_id = 
> $this->Session->read('Userinfo.currentSchoolid');
>                         $from =  
> $this->data['Attendance']['start_date']['year'] . "-" .
> $this->data['Attendance']['start_date']['month'] . "-" .
> $this->data['Attendance']['start_date']['day'];
>                         $to =  $this->data['Attendance']['end_date']['year'] 
> . "-" .
> $this->data['Attendance']['end_date']['month'] . "-" .
> $this->data['Attendance']['end_date']['day'];
>                         $cond = array('Attendance.created BETWEEN ? AND ?' => 
> array($from, $to),
> 'Attendance.school_id' => $session_school_id);
> Robert
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