I just started baking my first things and I love it so far. CakePHP
looks great!

I ran into something and I am not sure how to proceed, but I think I
have found a bug in the view class (version

echo $this->renderElement('feature', array( "title" => "Login Status",
"content" => "This" ));
echo $this->element('feature', array( "title" => "Login Status",
"content" => "This" ));
does not work.

This kept me up way too late because I could not figure out why I could
not pass in variables. In the view.php file

359         function element($name, $params = array()) {
360             return $this->renderElement($name, $params = array());
361         }

line 360 should say(I think): return $this->renderElement($name,

Shall I just commit a ticket in trac? I just started looking into cake
and I don't wanna mess things up, maybe I just misunderstood something.

I was also wondering, in the manual it says that elements usually have
no access to variables of any kind, it seems however that a whole bunch
of vars is made available ($viewVars amongst others). Is that
intentional? Again, I might just get this wrong.

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