I found a solution,... if anyone have same problem with generateList,... 
put this in your app_model.php 

function generateList 
($cond=null,$order=null,$limit=null,$key=null,$val=null) {    
return $this->find("list",array(
'conditions' => $cond, 
'order' => $order, 
'limit' => $limit, 
'fields' => array(str_replace('{n}.','',$key), str_replace('{n}.','',$val)) 

On Friday, September 28, 2012 8:55:52 PM UTC-7, Chris wrote:
> I have a function which works on 1.2 pre-Beta version,... but not working 
> on 1.3 CAKE 
> can anyone tells me whats wrong with this,... or what am I doing wrong,... 
> SQL Error: 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax;
>       if($this->is_user())
>         $is_friend = in_array($this->user['id'], 
> $this->Friend->myFriends($user['User']['id']));
>       else
>         $is_friend = false;
>       if($user['User']['privacy'] == array_search('friend', 
> Configure::read('Site.privacy')))
>       {
>         if($this->user['id'] != $user['User']['id'] && !$is_friend)
>         {
>           $this->flash('error', ucfirst('this profile is only viewable by 
> owner\'s friends'));
>           $this->redirect('/send_request/' . $user['User']['username']);
>         }
>       }
>       elseif($user['User']['privacy'] == array_search('private', 
> Configure::read('Site.privacy')))
>       {
>         if($this->user['id'] != $user['User']['id'])
>         {
>           $this->flash('error', ucfirst('this profile is only viewable by 
> its owner'));
>           $this->redirect('/owner/' . $user['User']['username']);
>         }
>       }
>       $this->set_title(ucfirst(i18n::translate('info')) . ' : ' . 
> $user['User']['firstname'] . ' ' . $user['User']['lastname']);
>       $this->set('user_obj', $user);
> and this is my Friend model: 
> <?php
> class Friend extends AppModel {
>   var $name = 'Friend';
>     var $validate = array(
>      'user_id' => array(
>       'rule' => 'notEmpty',
>       'message' => 'Please enter a valid user',
>      ),
>      'friend_id' => array(
>       'rule' => 'notEmpty',
>       'message' => 'Please enter a valid friend',
>      ),
>  );
>   var $belongsTo = array('User' => array('foreignKey' => 'friend_id'));
>   function myFriends($id = null)
>   {
>     $friends_ids = $this->generateList(array('Friend.user_id' => $id), 
> array('Friend.friend_id' => 'ASC'), null, '{n}.Friend.friend_id', 
> '{n}.Friend.friend_id');
>     return is_array($friends_ids) ? $friends_ids : array();
>   }
>   function afterDelete()
>   {
>   }
> }
> ?>

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