hi Ivan,... thank you for your help,... 
here is my version of jeditable,... it works,... however we can use CAKE1.3 
in place editor,... just place jquery ajax and javascript helper from 
http://www.cakephp.4uk.pl/ and it will do the magic ,... lol 

here is my version,... in case if anyone needs it: 

in a view file.ctp 

<?php if($user->is_authorized($user_obj['User']['id'])): ?>
<script type="text/javascript"> 
$(function() {
  $(".short_status").editable("/users/ajax_short_status/<?php echo 
$user_obj['User']['id'] ?>", { 
      indicator : "<img src='/img/indicator.gif'>",
      type   : 'textarea',
      select : true,
      submit : 'OK',
      cancel : 'cancel',
          rows      : 5,
cols :4,
          tooltip   : "<?php __('Click to edit short status'); ?>"
  <?php endif ?>

<p class="short_status" style="float: left; margin: 0 0 10px 10px; 
text-align: left; font-size: 1.3em; width: 735px; padding: 8px 5px 8px 5px; 
display: block; overflow: hidden;">
<?php if(empty($user_obj['User']['short_status'])): ?>
Short status - Max: 200 characters, Click me to edit 
<?php else: ?>
<?php echo $user_obj['User']['short_status']; ?>
  <?php endif ?>

and users_controller.php 

 function ajax_short_status($id = null) {
    if(!($user = $this->User->findById($id)))
      $user['User']['short_status'] = $this->params['form']['value'];

      echo $user['User']['short_status'];

and here is CAKE1.3 in_place_editor version,...  with jquery ajax and 
javascript http://www.cakephp.4uk.pl/ helpers: 

<div id="in_place_editor_id" style="float: left; display: block; margin: 
10px 0 0 15px; font-size: 1.1em; text-align: left; background-color: 
#ffffff; color: black; font-weight: normal; width: 170px; padding: 8px; 
border: 1px solid #aaa; overflow: hidden;">

<?php if(empty($user_obj['User']['short_status'])): ?>
Short status - Max: 200 characters, Click me to edit  and hit ENTER
<?php else: ?>
<?php echo $user_obj['User']['short_status']; ?>
  <?php endif ?>

<?php if($user->is_authorized($user_obj['User']['id'])): ?>
 echo $ajax->editor("in_place_editor_id", array('controller' => 'users', 
 'action' => 'ajax_short_status', $user_obj['User']['id']), array()
   <?php endif ?>

It's that simple,... ! 

Thank you ALL for your help guys !! 

On Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:28:56 AM UTC-7, ivnrmc wrote:
> For this example I willbe updating the field 'interests' inside 'users' 
> table.
> okay, on top of your view you should have
> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jeditable.js"></script> 
> !!Dont forget to include the jquery file inside your layout view!!
> after that, somwhere the input you want to update:
> <span class="interests" id="<?php echo $user['User']['id']; ?>"><?php echo 
> $user['User']['interests']; ?></span>
> on the bottom of your view:
> <script type="text/javascript">
>   $(document).ready(function() {
>       $('.interests').editable('/users/edituserinfo/interests', { 
>          id     : 'data[User][id]', 
>          type      : 'textarea',
>          cancel    : "<button type=\"cancel\" 
> class=\"button-cancel\"><?php __('Cancel'); ?></button>",
>          submit    : '<button type="submit" class="button-ok">OK</button>',
>          indicator : '<img src="/img/ajax-loader.gif">',
>          name      : 'data[User][interests]',
>          tooltip   : "<?php __('Click to edit'); ?>",
>          rows      : 3,
>          onblur    : 'ignore',
>          cssclass  : 'myacc-editable-userinfo'
>      });
> });
> </script>
> and inside your controller a function:
> function edituserinfo ($field) {
>   if ($this->data) {
>     App::import('Core', 'sanitize');
>     $edit_field = Sanitize::clean($this->data['User'][$field]);
>     $this->User->id = $this->data['User']['id'];
>     $this->User->query("UPDATE users SET $field = '$edit_field' WHERE id = 
> " . $this->User->id);
>     $this->_refreshAuth();
>     $this->set('result', $edit_field);
>   }
> } //Here the $field and represents the field inside database, and 
> $edit_field is the value sent from the view, For this example I used inside 
> 'users' table the field interests
> 2012/10/10 Chris <chri...@yahoo.com <javascript:>>
>> Ok Ivan,... I setup jeditable 
>> this is in a header: 
>> <?php echo $this->Html->script('jquery.jeditable'); ?>
>> this is my view: 
>> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> 
>> $(function() {
>>  $(".edit").editable("/users/ajax_short_status/<?php echo 
>> $user_obj['User']['id'] ?>", { 
>>       indicator : "Saving...",
>>       tooltip   : "Move mouseover to edit...",
>>       event     : "mouseover",
>>       name : "data['User']['short_status']",
>>       style  : "inherit"
>>   });
>>   });
>> </script> 
>> and this is my function: 
>>   function ajax_short_status($id = null) {
>>     $this->authorize();
>>     if(!($user = $this->User->findById($id)))
>>     {
>>       die();
>>     }
>>     else
>>     {
>>       $this->authorize($user['User']['id']);
>>       $user['User']['short_status'] = 
>> $this->data['User']['short_status']; 
>>       $this->User->save($user);
>>       echo $user['User']['short_status'];
>>       die();
>>     }
>>   }
>> and it still not saving it... what am I doing wrong...??? 
>> do you have an example please...? 
>> thanks 
>> chris
>> On Tuesday, October 9, 2012 3:22:00 PM UTC-7, ivnrmc wrote:
>>> Yes, that is the plugin.
>>> sent from my Samsung Galaxy S
>>> Ivan Rimac
>>> mail: ivn...@gmail.com
>>> mob: +385 95 555 9966
>>> Dana 10.10.2012. 00:16 "Chris" <chri...@yahoo.com> je napisao/la:
>>> is this the url?  
>>>> http://www.appelsiini.net/**projects/jeditable<http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/jeditable>
>>>> On Tuesday, October 9, 2012 2:32:04 PM UTC-7, ivnrmc wrote:
>>>>> I am using jEditable for this kind of things, i can send you piece of 
>>>>> code for this. For this, i think there is a problem with the script, you 
>>>>> should check is there form generated when you try to edit your short 
>>>>> status.
>>>>> sent from my Samsung Galaxy S
>>>>> Ivan Rimac
>>>>> mail: ivn...@gmail.com
>>>>> mob: +385 95 555 9966
>>>>> Dana 9.10.2012. 23:10 "Chris" <chri...@yahoo.com> je napisao/la:
>>>>>> thanks Ivan for your time,... 
>>>>>> this is inplace editor action using jquery,... and this is what I 
>>>>>> have inside my view: 
>>>>>> where do I put form input,...?
>>>>>>             <p id="editme8" style="float: left; margin: 0 0 10px 
>>>>>> 10px; border: 1px solid #aaa; width: 735px; padding: 8px 5px 8px 5px; 
>>>>>> display: block; overflow: hidden;">
>>>>>>  <?php if(empty($user_obj['User']['**sh**ort_status'])): ?>
>>>>>> <?php echo ucfirst(__('short status - Max: 200 characters', true)) 
>>>>>> ?>: 
>>>>>>  <?php else: ?> 
>>>>>> <?php echo $user_obj['User']['short_**statu**s'] ?>
>>>>>> <?php endif ?>
>>>>>>             </p>
>>>>>> <?php if($user->is_authorized($user_****obj['User']['id'])): ?>
>>>>>> <script> 
>>>>>>     $(document).ready(function(){ 
>>>>>>  $("#editme8").editInPlace({
>>>>>> callback: function(unused, enteredText) { return enteredText; },
>>>>>> url: "/users/ajax_short_status/<?**ph**p echo 
>>>>>> $user_obj['User']['id'] ?>",
>>>>>>  bg_over: "#cff",
>>>>>> field_type: "textarea",
>>>>>> textarea_rows: "15",
>>>>>>  textarea_cols: "35",
>>>>>> saving_image: "./images/ajax-loader.gif"
>>>>>> });
>>>>>>         }); 
>>>>>> </script>
>>>>>>   <?php endif ?>
>>>>>> On Tuesday, October 9, 2012 1:17:59 PM UTC-7, ivnrmc wrote:
>>>>>>> inside your view you need to havesomething like this:
>>>>>>> <?php
>>>>>>> echo $this->Form->create('User');
>>>>>>> echo $this->Form->input('User.**short****_status');
>>>>>>> echo $this->Form->end();
>>>>>>> ?>
>>>>>>> and then inside your controller action:
>>>>>>> $user['User']['short_status'] = $this->data['User']['short_**sta****
>>>>>>> tus'];
>>>>>>> also before save, you need to specify what user exactly are you 
>>>>>>> saving, something like this:
>>>>>>> $this->User->id = $this->Auth->user('id');
>>>>>>> 2012/10/9 Chris <chri...@yahoo.com>
>>>>>>>> hi Ivan,... 
>>>>>>>> it didn't work,... I even tried 
>>>>>>>> $user['User']['short_status'] = $this->data['User']['short_**sta***
>>>>>>>> *tus']; 
>>>>>>>> no luck,... 
>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, October 9, 2012 12:22:57 PM UTC-7, ivnrmc wrote:
>>>>>>>>> $user['User']['short_status'] = $this->data['User']['value']; 
>>>>>>>>> 2012/10/9 Chris <chri...@yahoo.com>
>>>>>>>>>> hi guys,... I'm in cake 1.3,... please help,... 
>>>>>>>>>> I can't read form value from inplace editor in a controller,... 
>>>>>>>>>> any other approch,...? 
>>>>>>>>>>      $user['User']['short_status'] = 
>>>>>>>>>> $this->params['form']['value']********;
>>>>>>>>>>       $this->User->save($user);
>>>>>>>>>>        echo $user['User']['short_status'];
>>>>>>>>>>       die(); 
>>>>>>>>>> thanks in advance 
>>>>>>>>>>  -- 
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> *Ivan Rimac***
> mail: ivn...@gmail.com <javascript:>
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