Can you kindly paste your CakePHP code that does the insert? :)

On Tuesday, January 8, 2013 11:51:15 PM UTC+8, wrote:
> Hi,
> i'm new at cakephp, and i've a problem with MSSQL and created/modified 
> fields
> I did the blog example in mysql without problems. Now, i try to do the 
> same in mssql server and it doesn't work properly.
> I created the table:
> CREATE TABLE [enqDocencia].[posts](
>     [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
>     [title] [varchar](50) NULL,
>     [body] [text] NULL,
>     [created] [datetime] NULL,
>     [modified] [datetime] NULL,
> )
> ALTER TABLE [enqDocencia].[posts] ADD  CONSTRAINT 
> [DF__posts__created__1ED998B2]  DEFAULT (NULL) FOR [created]
> GO
> ALTER TABLE [enqDocencia].[posts] ADD  CONSTRAINT 
> [DF__posts__modified__1FCDBCEB]  DEFAULT (NULL) FOR [modified]
> GO
> as you can see, i added created and modified fields
> the problem is that, when i try to add a "blog entry" in cakephp, it 
> returns me this error:
> *Error: * SQLSTATE[22007]: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL 
> Server]Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character 
> string.
> *SQL Query: * INSERT INTO [posts] ([created], [modified], [title], 
> [body]) VALUES ('NULL', 'NULL', N'title_ex', N'body post text') 
> *Notice: * If you want to customize this error message, create 
> cakephptest\View\Errors\pdo_error.ctp
> as you can see, this SQL sentence has two errors:
> - first, it try tu put 'null' value at 'created' field, but it should be 
> getdate() (current timestamp)
> - also, it put NULL inside two character    '  '          ; then for 
> mssql, is a "string", not  NULL value (it should be without ' ' )
> i'm very confused, what can I do? I'm doing something wrong?
> Thanks,

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