Here is the test suite for my Agg plugin.

class ModelsTest extends CakeTestSuite
public static function suite()
$suite = new CakeTestSuite('All the models');
$suite->addTestDirectory(TESTS . 'Case' . DS . 'Model');
return $suite;

I've looked at the test cases from the Cake core. I can't see anything that 
I did wrong.

Also, I've gone threw GIT for both CakePHP and PHPUnit. Nothing has changed 
that would have introduced this.

So it has to be a problem with how I'm running  the tests.

On Thursday, 17 January 2013 13:37:36 UTC-5, Mathew wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm unable to run a CakeTestSuite, but I can run a CakeTestCase just fine 
> on the CLI.
> When I run the CakeTestSuite I get the following error.
> Warning: is_file() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in 
> C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\PEAR\PHPUnit\Util\Skeleton\Test.php on line 109
> Call Stack:
>     0.0004     335536   1. {main}() 
> C:\work\zend\cake\Cake\Console\cake.php:0
>     0.0049     452272   2. ShellDispatcher::run($argv = array (0 => 
> 'C:\\work\\zend\\cake\\Cake\\Console\\cake.php', 1 => '-working', 2 => 
> 'C:\\work\\zend\\cgtag\\cgtag\\app ', 3 =
> > 'test', 4 => 'agg', 5 => 'Models')) 
> C:\work\zend\cake\Cake\Console\cake.php:43
>     0.1724    2600904   3. ShellDispatcher->dispatch() 
> C:\work\zend\cake\Cake\Console\ShellDispatcher.php:69
>     0.2364    3349648   4. Shell->runCommand($command = 'agg', $argv = 
> array (0 => 'agg', 1 => 'Models')) 
> C:\work\zend\cake\Cake\Console\ShellDispatcher.php:201
>     0.2998    4215400   5. TestShell->main() 
> C:\work\zend\cake\Cake\Console\Shell.php:395
>     0.3002    4216112   6. TestShell->_run($runnerArgs = array ('core' => 
> FALSE, 'app' => FALSE, 'plugin' => 'agg', 'output' => 'text', 'case' => 
> 'Models'), $options = array (0 =>
> '--colors')) C:\work\zend\cake\Cake\Console\Command\TestShell.php:259
>     0.3169    4540880   7. CakeTestSuiteCommand->run($argv = array (0 => 
> '--colors'), $exit = ???) 
> C:\work\zend\cake\Cake\Console\Command\TestShell.php:274
>     0.3960    6485384   8. 
> PHPUnit_Util_Skeleton_Test->__construct($inClassName = 'All model tests', 
> $inSourceFile = array ('core' => FALSE, 'app' => FALSE, 'plugin' => 'agg', 
> 'out
> put' => 'text', 'case' => 'Models'), $outClassName = ???, $outSourceFile = 
> ???) C:\work\zend\cake\Cake\TestSuite\CakeTestSuiteCommand.php:80
>     0.3962    6485512   9. is_file(array ('core' => FALSE, 'app' => FALSE, 
> 'plugin' => 'agg', 'output' => 'text', 'case' => 'Models')) C:\Program 
> Files (x86)\PHP\PEAR\PHPUnit\Util\
> Skeleton\Test.php:109
> Variables in local scope (#8):
>   $inClassName = 'All model tests'
>   $inSourceFile = array ('core' => FALSE, 'app' => FALSE, 'plugin' => 
> 'agg', 'output' => 'text', 'case' => 'Models')
>   $outClassName = ''
>   $outSourceFile = ''
>   $possibleFilename = *uninitialized*
>   $possibleFilenames = *uninitialized*
>   $reflector = *uninitialized*
> Error: "Array" could not be opened.
> #0 C:\work\zend\cake\Cake\TestSuite\CakeTestSuiteCommand.php(80): 
> PHPUnit_Util_Skeleton_Test->__construct('All model tests', Array)
> #1 C:\work\zend\cake\Cake\Console\Command\TestShell.php(274): 
> CakeTestSuiteCommand->run(Array)
> #2 C:\work\zend\cake\Cake\Console\Command\TestShell.php(259): 
> TestShell->_run(Array, Array)
> #3 C:\work\zend\cake\Cake\Console\Shell.php(395): TestShell->main()
> #4 C:\work\zend\cake\Cake\Console\ShellDispatcher.php(201): 
> Shell->runCommand('agg', Array)
> #5 C:\work\zend\cake\Cake\Console\ShellDispatcher.php(69): 
> ShellDispatcher->dispatch()
> #6 C:\work\zend\cake\Cake\Console\cake.php(43): ShellDispatcher::run(Array)
> #7 {main}
> --------------------------
> Now I ran this under the debugger and found that the problem appears to be 
> in CakeTestSuiteCommand on line 77.
> $skeleton = new PHPUnit_Util_Skeleton_Test(
> $suite->getName(),
> $this->arguments['testFile']
> );
> PHPUnit_Util_Skeleton_Test is expecting the second parameter to be a 
> string, but Cake is using an array.
> Here's what the array holds.
> $this->arguments['testFile'] = array(
>   'core'=>false,
>   'app'=>false,
>   'plugin'=>'agg',
>   'output'=>'text',
>   'case'=>'Models'
> )
> I don't know what to do to fix this. Is this a bug in Cake, or am I not 
> configuring the test correctly.
> I also tried to run this Suite via the Web but get the same error message.
> Please help.

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