
I would say yes and no. I told you that we port an existing project to
cake. Therfore, there truely is something to do concerning MVC. But
there are some objects used in the code, which are good and shouldn't
be replaced. Think of objects that do actions or hold data. They do not
have any database-access etc. Actually they wrap downer code to make
things more readable and easier to understand in the components and

These objects are in their own herachie and depend on the actual
implementation and soon depend on at least the cake-models. They are
compareable to components, but one should not implement them as ones.
In my implementation I play with these objects in controllers and
components. This produces very sweet code, I think ;-)

I think the app/vendor dir is quite suitable, but what I think is wrong
with vendors is, that these objects and classes are absolutley
project-related (at least the upper, precise ones). They depend on the
intended usage.

What about these? still vendosr? I would place them in some sort of
app/lib dir.



On Dec 11, 6:58 pm, Felix Geisendörfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well to me this sounds like you'll simply have to add some refactoring
> to your todo list and split up this code into some tasty Cake(PHP)
> layers (MVC). Otherwise go with vendors.
> -- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
> --------------------------http://www.thinkingphp.orghttp://www.fg-webdesign.de
> John David Anderson (_psychic_) wrote:
> > On Dec 11, 2006, at 10:45 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> Hi there,
> >> we are porting an existing php-application to cakephp. This goes quite
> >> harmless so far => very good!
> >> But now we want to integrate some existing libs and includes of the
> >> old
> >> application into the cake-structure. But I do not know where to put
> >> them. There are bussiness-logic-units, which are neither components,
> >> nor models.
> >> They also hevily depend on the whole application, so
> >> calling them a vendor-lib would'nt be right.
> > Why not? I guess we need a better idea of why vendors won't work.
> > The vendors directories are usually the best places to put this sort
> > of stuff.
> > -- John

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