Have you already populated the second table? In case not you could use a 
hasOne or hasMany association, but you might have to change the layout of 
the table itself.

Il giorno lunedì 25 febbraio 2013 14:10:45 UTC+1, bau ha scritto:
> I have these 2 tables: cd_biblio (which contains a list of books) and 
> cd_bibliotem (which contains only the id of book and id of tag).
> I want to make a query where the user can choose also the tag of a book 
> (in both tables the tags are numeric).
> In the cd_biblios controller I add:
> App::import('Model', 'CdBibliotem');$CdBibliotem = new CdBibliotem();
> I made the queries for cd_biblio table in this way:
> // General query$conditions = array(
>     'editore LIKE' => "%$e%",
>     'titolo LIKE' => "%$t%");
> And then for example: 
> if (!$anno)
>         $conditions[] = array('anno <=' => "$anno2");          if (!$anno2)
>         $conditions[] = array('anno >=' => "$anno");
> Or: 
> if (isset($menu)&&$menu!='')
>         $conditions[]=array('classe LIKE' => "%$menu%");
> Now I need to do a inner join between these 2 tables to get all the books 
> with a specific tags. 
> I save tags in string, so I use: 
> SELECT ... WHERE tags IN ('$tags'); 
> But I can't make a inner join using $conditions. 
> I tried something like this: 
> $tem = $CdBibliotem->query("SELECT * FROM cd_biblio INNER JOIN cd_bibliotem 
> ON cd_biblio.codiceBiblio = cd_bibliotem.codiceBiblio WHERE codiceTematica IN 
> ('$tematiche')"); $tem = Set::extract($tem, 
> '{n}.cd_biblio');$conditions[]=array('cd_biblio.codiceBiblio IN (?)' => 
> '$tem');     
> But it's not working. (I'm using ver 1.2)

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