Try executing 'php-cgi' or 'php5-cgi' instead of php. That solved the
problem for me.


On Dec 6, 7:15 am, "Falagar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to use the ACL example from the manual and ran into problems. I
> have installed, the database connection is set up and I
> have successfully baked stuff with bake.php.
> When running "php acl.php initdb -app blabla" from /cake/scripts the
> following error occurs:
> Fatal error: Class 'Configure' not found in
> C:\www\xampp\htdocs\cake\cake\libs\m
> odel\datasources\dbo_source.php on line 84
> I added the following lines in acl.php in a futile attempt to fix it:
>         require ('cake'.DS.'dispatcher.php');
>         require ('cake'.DS.'libs'.DS.'configure.php');
> and the errors go away, however, now I get HTML code back telling me
> this (abridged):
> <h1>Missing Database Table</h1>
> <p class="error">No Database table for model Aro (expected "aros"),
> create it first.</p>
> <p><span class="notice"><strong>Notice:</strong> If you want to
> customize this e
> rror message, create
> blabla\views/errors/missing_table.thtml.</span></p>
> I looked a little bit further into the script but got lost. The
> $command variable is set to 'initdb' correctly, but the switch
> statement is never reached. Nor is the line: "if (ACL_CLASSNAME !=
> 'DB_ACL'){".
> But isn't the whole point of initdb to create those tables in the
> database? Or am I just totally misunderstanding something? Any help is
> greatly appreciated.
> Mike

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