I'm using cakephp 2.3.1

I want to force download a mp4 file per 

In my 'view' I have the following code which is correctly searching for the 
filename, and finding the file name, and displaying the download link:

<?php $filename = APP . 'webroot/files/' . $dance['Dance']['id'] . '.mp4'; if 
(file_exists($filename)) {
    echo $this->Html->link('DOWNLOAD', array('controller' => 'dances', 'action' 
=> 'sendFile', $dance['Dance']['id'])); 
    } else {
    echo 'Coming soon: available April 16th';

When the user clicks on the link I want to force the download of the mp4 
file. In my controller I have the following code that doesn't work:

public function sendFile($id) {
    $file = $this->Attachment->getFile($id); //Note: I do not understand the 
'Attachment' and the 'getFile($id)'
    $this->response->file($file['webroot/files/'], array('download' => true, 
'name' => 'Dance'));
    //Return reponse object to prevent controller from trying to render a view
    return $this->response;}   

I don't understand 'Attachment' and the 'getFile()'

I'm getting the following error: Error: Call to a member function getFile() 
on a non-object

What am I doing wrong and is there any other documentation I can be looking 
at to understand this better?

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