Say I have a hasOne relationship between two Models, for instance Recipe 
hasOne User. If I set up the data (recipes contains a user_id field) and 
bake I will see a beautiful user id drop-down menu in the recipe add 
screen. The problem is that it displays the user_id, and not a bunch of 
usernames! Can I change this?

For reference, here is some relevant code, and the html it outputs,
echo $this->Form->input('user_id');

which produces the following html:

<select name="data[Recipe][user_id]" id="RecipeUserId">
<option value="1">1</option><option value="2">2</option>

The html I would prefer would be more like...
<select name="data[Recipe][user_id]" id="RecipeUserId">
<option value="1">Robert</option><option value="2">Paulson</option>
Thanks for any help!

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