Anyone figure out how to delete files that are placed in unique folders?

Here's my beforeTransform and beforeUpload:

public function beforeTransform( $options ) {
$options['finalPath'] = 'files/uploads/' . CakeSession::read( 
'' ) . '/';
$options['uploadDir'] = WWW_ROOT . $options['finalPath'];
return $options;

public function beforeUpload( $options ) {
$options['finalPath'] = 'files/uploads/' . CakeSession::read( 
'' ) . '/';
$options['uploadDir'] = WWW_ROOT . $options['finalPath'];
return $options;

As you can see, I'm placing all my files under /files/uploads/ <!-- User ID 
Folder--> /test.jpg 

Now, if I upload my files and just place them under /files/uploads, then 
delete them, the files are physically removed from the server. It's just 
when they're placed in a sub folder from the above methods, that it won't 
physically remove them. Also, when this happens (the files not being 
deleted), the row is removed from the DB.

Secondly, is there anyway when uploading files, to only keep the 
transformed files? I'd like to just keep a medium and small photo, and 
remove the other. I'm guessing I could do an after save, and possibly 
execute the following? $this->Image->deleteFiles($id, 
('medium')); Though, how would I delete the original only?

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