
I am a new bee in cakePHP, look at following scenario

I have following tables structure

*Table name: events*
Field Type Null Default Comments   id int(11) No    Contains id of Event  
int(11) No    Contains id of category to which event belongs   client_id 
int(11) No    Contains id of client to which event belongs   name 
varchar(255) No    Contains name of Event   venue varchar(255) No    Contains 
venue of event   description text No    Contains description of event   *image 
* *varchar(255)* *No * *no_image.jpg * *contains name of image*  start_date 
date No    Contains start date of event   end_date date No    Contains end 
date of event   created datetime No    Contains date when event was added  
datetime No    Contains date when event was last modified 

When adding an event, i want to save all fields except 'image',, to do so i 
am trying to save method with syntax

$this->Event->save($this->request->data, true, array("Event.name", 
"Event.venue", "Event.description", "Event.start_date", "Event.end_date", 
"Event.created", "Event.modified", "Event.category_id", "Event.client_id"))

But this statement result in

INSERT INTO `mydb`.`events` (`modified`, `created`) VALUES ('2013-08-07 
18:20:39', '2013-08-07 18:20:39')

instead of 

INSERT INTO `mydb`.`events` (`category_id`, `client_id`, `name`, `venue`, 
`description`, `start_date`, `end_date`, `modified`, `created`) VALUES (1, 
1, 'My Event', 'Jaipur', 'My Event at Jaipur', '2013-08-07', '2013-08-07', 
'2013-08-07 18:20:39', '2013-08-07 18:20:39')

Also when i try to update image field like

"image"=>"myimage.jpg", true)))

it produces query like

UPDATE `mydb`.`events` SET `id` = 84  WHERE `mydb`.`events`.`id` = '84'

i am highly tired, please help me thanks in advanced.

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