Hi Gaurav Kumar

In your add method in the controller:
1. remove the fields option for the retrieval of policies. CakePHP 
automatically takes id and name when using find(list).

In your add view, the form input for policies will assume that policies 
belongs in CloudApp.
1. Change to ... input('Policy.id', array('options' => $policies, 
'multiple' => true)) ...
The above will tell CakePHP that the values in $policies is to be used for 
populating the dropdown list for policies.
See also the CakePHP documentation at:

Kindly tell us of the result you get.
Enjoy, John

On Thursday, 26 September 2013 04:31:20 UTC+3, Gaurav Kumar wrote:
> (X-posting from 
> SO<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19017839/cakephp-not-able-to-save-associated-model>
> )
> I've a model `CloudApp` which has HABTM relationship with `Policy` model 
> e.g:
>     class CloudApp extends AppModel {
>         public $displayField = 'name';        
>         public $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
>             'Policy' => array(
>                 'className' => 'Policy',
>                 'joinTable' => 'cloudapp_policies',
>                 'foreignKey' => 'cloud_app_id',
>                 'associationForeignKey' => 'policy_id',
>                 'unique' => 'keepExisting',
>             )
>         );
>     }
> `Policy` model looks like this- 
>     class Policy extends AppModel {
>             public $belongsTo = 'CloudApp'; 
>     }
> When I use scaffolding, everything works fine- I am able to multi-select 
> policies for CloudApp that I am saving. 
> But when I try to manually save data, associated data in Policy model is 
> not getting saved.
> Here is my `add` controller- 
> public function add() {
>     $this->loadModel('Policy');
>     $this->set('policies', $this->Policy->find('list', array(
>                 'fields' => array('Policy.name')
>     )));
>     if ($this->request->is('post')) {
>         pr($this->request->data);
>         $this->CloudApp->saveAll($this->request->data);        }
> }
> add.ctp looks like this-
>     echo $this->Form->create('CloudApp');
>     ?>
>     <fieldset>
>         <legend><?php echo __('Add Application'); ?></legend>
>         <?php    
>         echo $this->Form->input('name');
>         echo $this->Form->input('policies', array(
>             'multiple' => true
>         ));    
>         ?>
>     </fieldset>
>     <?php echo $this->Form->end(__('Submit')); ?>
> Output of  `pr($this->request->data);` is- 
>     Array
>     (
>         [CloudApp] => Array
>             (
>                 [name] => 123
>                 [policies] => Array
>                     (
>                         [0] => 18
>                         [1] => 19
>                         [2] => 20
>                     )
>             )
>     )
> What am I doing wrong?

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