I haven't been able to figure out why I have a set of views that aren't 
able to load values set in the AppController or why I have to navigate 
outside of the controller to refresh the CSS for those views, but what I 
did discover today is that I have another set of views under a different 
controller that are behaving the same way. Not sure if it's related to 
cache or sessions or perhaps a permissions issue of some sort but it's 
becoming increasingly more difficult to work around it. Any ideas are 
greatly appreciated. 

On Tuesday, October 22, 2013 4:41:38 PM UTC-4, CrotchFrog wrote:
> I realize now that my original issue may not have been so much fetching 
> data from the AppController but more so setting the data to be available in 
> the view. To test I set a misc value  *$this->set('variable', 'some 
> data'); *in the beforeFilter() of the AppController. *$variable *is 
> available in every view but the ones associated with the Articles 
> controller (I changed it from 'News' to rule out issues with naming 
> conventions). View, add, edit, etc. it's not available in any view for that 
> controller. The views for that controller act almost as if they are being 
> cached. Changes to the content are immediately visible but altering the CSS 
> takes having to navigate out of the Articles controller and then back in 
> for the changes to take effect whereas the changes are immediate in all 
> other views. No matter what I try I cannot access *$variable *in any of 
> the article views. Could changing from 'News' to 'Articles' have caused the 
> issue somehow? I'm not quite sure where to start looking for the cause of 
> the problem. 
> On Tuesday, October 22, 2013 1:54:34 PM UTC-4, CrotchFrog wrote:
>> Problem solved, I worked out the issue. I have a few spots in my layout 
>> that display dynamic data and I usually use Jquery $('#element').load() to 
>> populate those spaces. I threw $this->News->get(); into the AppController 
>> beforeFilter to temporarily retrieve the needed data as I worked on 
>> styling, etc. When I got around to creating my JS file and removed the code 
>> from beforeFilter the problem immediately went away. To confirm I put the 
>> code back and the problem returned. Here and there I'll use the 
>> AppController to house some shared logic but cannot think of a time I tried 
>> to retrieve data through it (excluding this time). Generally I'll use 
>> Jquery and/or view blocks to utilize or extend my existing 
>> views/controllers. Anyhow, I suppose I never gave it much thought and it's 
>> probably a bit unconventional but is fetching data through the 
>> AppController really enough to break your app? There are plenty of times I 
>> don't understand things as well I think or would like to but I didn't think 
>> using the  AppController in such a way was basically throwing a wrench into 
>> the works. I feel like I'm still missing something here which is generally 
>> the case :)
>> On Monday, October 21, 2013 1:26:38 PM UTC-4, CrotchFrog wrote:
>>> I ran into an issue trying to save a datetime field and I haven't been 
>>> able to figure out why it's not saving (not failing).
>>> Database set up is Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS w/ Percona Server 5.6 -- I'm 
>>> using Cake 2.4.1
>>> //table set up
>>> CREATE TABLE `news` (
>>>   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
>>>   `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
>>>   `title` tinytext NOT NULL,
>>>   `article` text NOT NULL,
>>>   `start` datetime NOT NULL,
>>>   `stop` datetime NOT NULL,
>>>   `created` datetime NOT NULL,
>>>   `modified` datetime NOT NULL,
>>>   PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
>>> Before saving I convert user input into a savable format. I tried the 
>>> conversion in both controller and model beforeSave. 
>>> // conversion 
>>> $xstart = explode('-', $this->request->data['News']['start']);
>>> $start = strtotime($xstart[0].' '.$xstart[1]);
>>> $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $start);            
>>> $this->request->data['News']['start'] = $date;
>>> $xstop = explode('-', $this->request->data['News']['stop']);            
>>> $stop = strtotime($xstop[0].' '.$xstop[1]);
>>> $expire = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $stop);            
>>> $this->request->data['News']['stop'] = $expire;
>>> // debug request data
>>> array(
>>>     'News' => array(
>>>             'start' => '2013-10-21 13:13:00',
>>>             'stop' => '2013-10-22 21:00:00',
>>>             'title' => 'Test Article Title',
>>>             'article' => 'Test Article Body',
>>>             'user_id' => '5'
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> The request does not fail but it also does not save to DB.
>>> // To test what's happening bypass conversion and throw together quick data 
>>> array
>>> $this->request->data = array(
>>>                     'News' => array(
>>>                         'title' => 'this is a title',
>>>                         'article' => 'this is an article',
>>>                         'start' =>  '2013-10-22 13:00:00',
>>>                         //'stop' => '2013-10-22 13:00:00',
>>>                     ));
>>> Data saves fine as long as 'stop' key is not in the array. As soon as I 
>>> include the key, nothing saves (I changed the column name a few times 
>>> thinking perhaps there was an issue with the name but it didn't help). 
>>> If I change the array to use converted data, ie. 'start' => $date it will 
>>> not save. Tried casting $date as string, it didn't help. 
>>> So, using either formatted date from converted data will not save. My test 
>>> array saves as long as I don't include the 'stop' key or try to include 
>>> converted data. 
>>> I checked all my error logs but there is nothing there. I was sure I'm 
>>> overlooking something simple but I just don't see it. 
>>> I'm stumped (or perhaps more frustrated at this point).
>>> Any help is appreciated. 

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