>IE is a broken web browser, and for me, going out of my way to
support it on a site no one has paid me to develop borders on morally

That is laughable, yes developers respect and prefer firefox but that
doesn't make ie dissappear. When you develop a website, you are
developing it for EVERYONE and some people use ie. I'm not saying they
are smart, i am saying they are not developers. I realize now this is
not a cakephp issue but an issue with the cakephp website developers.
If they have such knowledge of web development but dont even bother to
cater for non firefox users then what kind of developers are they?

I was simply pointing out a bug on their website that they may consider
fixing, it would take 5 minutes to move that div down and throw in a
conditional statement to point ie browsers to.

>>What is it to be fixed, man?

I think he does not understand what he's saying/complaining.

The friggin website!!!!!!

>>Why are you saying your site would not work for IE7? If it doesn't work for
IE7, that's your own fault and up to you to fix.

I am not saying MY site doesnt work, i am saying the cakephp website
doesnt work in ie and it is up to THEM to fix it. Learn to read before
giving me sht.

>>Second of all, dude, seriously, have you read a single f**king this
anyone in this discussion other than you has said??

There is nothing, *nothing*, not a single godd*mn thing preventing you
from using Cake to develop IE7-compatible sites.

I KNOW!!!!!!!

>>The IE factor is well know in the professional web development sector.
It is estimated that IE adds 25-35% to the cost of developing a
standards compliant site. From my experience,the latter figure is
closer to the mark. I can produce validating html and css that renders
almost identically in every browser *except* IE. I then have to spend a
significant amount of blood, sweat,tears and client money making it
render properly on each and every

Excuse me but that is a lame excuse. Yes, microsoft makes a developers
job harder but you still have to do the work. IE has the largest market
share whether you accept that or not so if the site you develop for
your client doesnt work in ie then you are a crap developer and should
be fired. I develop many websites and realize the importance of
supporting ie whether i like it or not.

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