Why are you doing a find and then a paginate ?

I think you should set conditions to paginator....

El jueves, 8 de mayo de 2014 09:29:19 UTC-3, Саша Кузьменко escribió:
> my view $this->Paginator->params() show data:
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
> 6
> 7
> 8
> 9
> 10
> 11
> 12
> 13
> 14
> 15
> 16
> 17
> 18
> 19
> 20
> 21
> 22
> 23
> 24
> 25
> 26
> 27
> 28
> 29
> 30
> 31
> 32
> 33
> 34
> 35
> 36
> 37
> 38
> array(
>     'Category' => array(
>         'page' => (int) 1,
>         'current' => (int) 1,
>         'count' => (int) 1,
>         'prevPage' => false,
>         'nextPage' => false,
>         'pageCount' => (int) 1,
>         'order' => array(),
>         'limit' => (int) 5,
>         'options' => array(
>             'sort' => 'price',
>             'direction' => 'asc',
>             'order' => array()
>         ),
>         'paramType' => 'named'
>     ),
>     'Product' => array(
>         'page' => (int) 1,
>         'current' => (int) 5,
>         'count' => (int) 7,
>         'prevPage' => false,
>         'nextPage' => true,
>         'pageCount' => (int) 2,
>         'order' => array(
>             'Product.price' => 'asc'
>         ),
>         'limit' => (int) 5,
>         'options' => array(
>             'sort' => 'price',
>             'direction' => 'asc',
>             'order' => array(
>                 'Product.price' => 'asc'
>             )
>         ),
>         'paramType' => 'named'
>     ))
> On my controller i set data:
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
> $products = $this->Category->Product->find('all', array(
>         'conditions' => array('Product.category_id' => $id)
>     ));//    debug($products);$this->set('products', 
> $this->paginate('Product'));
> and I'm trying to make paging:
>  echo $this->Paginator->counter(array(
>     'format' => __('Page {:page} of {:pages}, showing {:current} records out 
> of {:count} total, starting on record {:start}, ending on {:end}')
>     ));
>     ?>  </p>
>     <div class="paging">
>     <?php
>         echo $this->Paginator->prev('< ' . __('previous'), array(), null, 
> array('class' => 'prev disabled'));
>         echo $this->Paginator->numbers(array('separator' => ''));
>         echo $this->Paginator->next(__('next') . ' >', array(), null, 
> array('class' => 'next disabled'));
>     ?>
>     </div>
> But i get wrong data, i also add screen. Can someone help me, how to make 
> true paging here???

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