I´ve solved this type of issues with a hidden field having the value in sql 
format (YYYY-MM-DD ) and formatting the date for user with php in the text 
field. ( http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php )

jquery can set 2 fields with the diferents formats. ( 
http://jqueryui.com/datepicker/#alt-field )

El martes, 6 de mayo de 2014 11:00:32 UTC-3, Dario Savella escribió:
> I was able to make this work without much of a problem using dates in the 
> format they arrive from the database.
> But that's not an acceptable for the users... and here I started having 
> problems.
> It's easy enough to set the dateFormat of the datepicker (as suggested in 
> posts I've seen around), but that does not seem enough.
> When editing a row, dates are still displayed in ISO format and modified 
> ones, that have been returned with the correct format by the datepicker, 
> are not understood by the Model/MySQL that ends up saving the row with 
> messed up values.
> I build the field with:
>         echo $this->Form->input('date_start', array(
>             'type' => 'text',
>             'class' =>'datepicker',
>             'size' => 10
>         ));
> Before I start writing an Helper (that perhaps generates an hidden field 
> with the date in ISO format and the necessary Javascript to move the 
> displayed value to&from and reformatting as necessary)...
> I was wondering if there's a better solution around I just have not seen...
> Can anyone help ?
> Dario

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