Thanks, Reuben.

I changed the $uses variable to 'FlagsInvoice' and it seems fine now! 
Didn't really want to explicitly define the FlagInvoice Model, as I really 
only need it in this one line of code.

Thanks for your help.

On Friday, 16 May 2014 06:05:25 UTC+1, Reuben wrote:
> Since the convention would be for a join table to be flags_invoices 
> (alphabetical), the model name might be FlagsInvoice, even though CakePHP 
> to automagically generate a dynamic model of FlagInvoice while using the 
> HABTM relationship from the Flag or Invoice models.
> Though it might be easier to explicitly define the FlagInvoice model, as 
> per the example in hasMany through (The Join Model) (
> )
> Regards
> Reuben Helms
> On Friday, 16 May 2014 01:43:58 UTC+10, WhyNotSmile wrote:
>> Ok, I'm probably being really dumb here, but I can't figure out how to 
>> delete an associated record when the association is HABTM.
>> I have the following:
>> *Invoice:*
>>     public $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
>>         'Flag' => array(
>>             'counterCache' => true,
>>         )
>>     );
>> I can add flags to invoices no problem (just by creating 
>> $invoice['Flag'][...] and then saving the invoice), but I can't figure out 
>> how to delete them!
>> I've tried:
>>   $this->FlagInvoice->deleteAll( array( 'invoice_id' => $invoice_id, 
>> 'flag_id' => $flag_id ) );
>> and
>>   $this->FlagInvoice->deleteAll();
>> but I get "Call to a member function deleteAll() on a non-object" 
>> (presumably for the 'FlagInvoice').
>> If I add 'FlagInvoice' to the $uses variable at the top of the 
>> controller, I get the error that the table doesn't exist in the database.
>> I know I'm missing something really obvious here (I'm pretty certain I've 
>> even done this before!), but I've looked online, and I can't find an 
>> answer.  Can anyone help? Thanks!

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