
I just want to display fields from 3 tables which I have checked on how to 
do this and I am not clear on this. Examples I have found concentrate on 2 
fields or keyed in conditions on multiple tables.
I have models all related in some way.
I want the username from a tutorsession table and the middle table is the 
teacher table.

Tutorsession - related to teacher
Teacher -related to tutorsession and teacher
User= related to teacher

The tutorsession automatically gets rows from teacher table but not user 
table. I have checked the docs below and I am not sure what to use here as 
the below doesnt work but I dont get errors.

  $this->set( 'tutor',$this->Tutorsession->find('all',array('conditions' => 
               array('Teacher.user_id' => $id,'Teacher.user_id' => 

'tutor',$this->Tutorsession->find('all',array('conditions' => 
array('Teacher.user_id' => $id))));


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