I am trying to use highchart in cakephp 
I still get a highchart not found.

I downloaded highchartPHP and placed all the 4 files in 

In the layout I add the lines with the actual js files in `webroot/js`

    echo $this->Html->script('jquery-1.9.1.min'); // Include jQuery library
    echo $this->Html->script('highcharts'); // Include jQuery library

This is my code

    App::import('Vendor', 'HighchartsPHP/Highchart');
    class ChartsController extends AppController
        public function index() {        
            $chart = new Highchart();  /////////////////Error: Class 
'Highchart' not found 
            $chart->chart = array(
                'renderTo' => 'container', // div ID where to render chart
                'type' => 'line'
            $chart->series[0]->name = 'Tokyo';
            $chart->series[0]->data = array(7.0, 6.9, 9.5);
            $this->set( compact( 'chart' ) );

In view file
    <?php $chart->printScripts(); ?>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        <?php echo $chart->render("chart");?>

* **https://coderwall.com/p/c6yasq**

I cant find any more instructions about cakePHP setup with highcharts so I 
am stuck and I get a highchart not found error.
I still have something missing. What has confused me is that highchartPHP 
doesnt explain how you install it for a MVC version with cakephp

How to setup highchart so it works in cakephp ?

I got from the download zip button link so it must be v3

also Error: Class 'Highchart' not found from the controller as i outlined 

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