Check your class name in the association you have defined:
 'className' => 'Children',

Should it not be:
 'className' => 'Child',

Enjoy, John

On Tuesday, 24 June 2014 14:29:52 UTC+3, Gregory Fox wrote:
> Hi,
> I need an association where therapists have many children and visa-versa. 
> I have 3 tables:
> therapists
> children
> children_therapists
> You can see the association below:
> Therapist.php
>      public $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('Child' =>
>                     array(
>                                    'className' => 'Children',
>                                    'joinTable' => 'children_therapists',
>                                    'foreignKey' => 'therapist_id',
>                                    'associationForeignKey' => 'child_id',
>                                    'unique' => true,
>                                    'conditions' => '',
>                                    'fields' => '',
>                                    'order' => 'Child.last_name',
>                                    'limit' => '',
>                                    'offset' => '',
>                                    'finderQuery' => '',
>                                    'with' => ''
>                                )
>         );
> In the Child.php model, I tried this code:
>     public $useTable = 'children';
> but that didn't work.
> When I code against it, I get the following error:
> Missing Database Table
> Error: Table childrens for model Child was not found in datasource default.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Greg

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